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Ujian Bahasa Inggris
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speakerUjian Bahasa InggrisEnglish Test

speakerJunior beradais diat rumahhome bersamawith ZariZari.
headspeakerZari, boleh minta tolongcould you do me a favor?
headspeakerBesoktomorrow aku adaI will have ujian bahasa Inggrisan English test yangwhich is penting bangetvery importantvery
Junior has a Spanish exam soon.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerAkuI mauwant mainto play,...
headspeaker...tapibut akuI jugaalso harusneed to belajarstudy.
Junior needs to study English, but he really wants to…
  • ...take over the world.
  • a video game.
  • history.
headspeakerKalau begituin that case, ayolet's belajarstudy bersamatogether! AkuI am jagogood at bahasa InggrisEnglish.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerBuku pelajaranmu di manawhere is your textbook?
headspeakerDiin ranselkumy backpack.
headspeakerRanselmu di manawhere is your backpack?
headspeakerMasih(it's) still diat sekolahschool.
Where's Junior's backpack?
  • at his school
  • in his room
  • in Zari's living room
headspeakerJunior, bagaimana bisahow can (you) belajarstudy kalauif bukumuyour books are ditinggalleft di sanathere?
headspeakerZari, kamuyou pergigo keto sekolahschool samaand ambilget bukukumy books.
headspeakerAkuI am di sinihere, diat rumahhome, mainplaying.
What does Junior want Zari to do?
  • go get his English books while he plays video games
  • play video games with him
  • buy him a new backpack
Tap the pairs