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Juniors beslutning
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speakerJuniors beslutningJunior's decision

speakerDet erit's frokostpauselunch time iat Juniors skoleJunior's school.
headspeakerGodmorgenGood morning, fruMrs. PetersenPetersen! Jeg er meget sultenI'm very hungry!
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerGoddagHello, JuniorJunior. I dag har vi kyllingToday we have chicken.
headspeakerOgAnd medwith kyllingenthe chicken
headspeakerKan du spiseYou can eat ena salatsalad elleror pomfritterfries.
Junior can get either salad or fries with the chicken.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerJeg vil haveI want pomfritterfries ogand salatsalad!
headspeakerDu kan kun spiseYou can only eat enone afof dethe totwo tingthings, JuniorJunior.
headspeakerAltsåWell, jeg elskerI love pomfritterfries
headspeakerOgAnd det bliverit's going to be ena meget lang dagvery long day
headspeakerMenBut salatsalad eris sunderehealthier.
Choose the option that means "healthier."
headspeakerPomfritterfries elleror salatsalad, hmmhmm
headspeakerOkayOK, jeg vil haveI want pomfritterfries. NejNo, salatsalad! NejNo!
headspeakerÅhoh, jeg ved det ikkeI don't know!
Poor Junior! What problem does he have?
  • He ate too many fries.
  • He wants ice cream in his salad.
  • He can't choose between a salad and fries.
headspeakerÅhoh, jayes, fruMrs. PetersenPetersen?
headspeakerVærsågodHere you go, pomfritterfries ogand enen salatsalad tilfor digyou.
What did Mrs. Petersen tell Junior to do?
  • Go somewhere else to eat.
  • Take both the fries and the salad.
  • Imagine that fries are salad.
Tap the pairs