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صباحَ الخيرِ
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speakerصباحَ الخيرِgood morning

headspeakerصَبَاحَ الْخَيْرِgood morning يَا بْرِتِيPriti
headspeakerصباحَ النُّورِgood morning يا حَبِيبِيmy love
headspeakerأَيْنَwhere مَفَاتِيحِي؟my keys
headspeakerمَفَاتِيحُكِ؟your keys?
Priti can't find her keys.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerنَعَمyes أَحْتَاجُI need أَنْto أَذْهَبَgo إِلَىto الْعَمَلِwork
Tap what you hear
headspeakerأَحْتَاجُ إِلَىI need مَفَاتِيحِkeys سَيَّارَتِيmy car
headspeakerمَفَاتِيحُكِyour keys هُنَاhere عَلَىon اَلطَّاوِلَةِthe table
headspeakerآسِفةٌsorry يَا حَبِيبيmy love أنَاI am تَعْبَانَة،tired أعْمَلُI work كَثِيراًa lot
Choose the option that means "tired."
يَا حَبِيبي ، كَثِيراً
headspeakerهَلْdo تُرِيديِنyou want القَهْوَةَ؟coffee
headspeakerنَعَم،yes مِنْ فَضْلِكplease
headspeakerتَفَضَّليhere it is يَا حَبِيبَتِيmy love
headspeakerأَينَwhere is السُّكَّر؟the sugar? آهoh ها هُوَhere it is
Hmm… what is Priti doing?
  • pouring her coffee on the table
  • putting sugar on her keys
  • looking for some sugar for her coffee
speakerتَشْرَبُdrinks برِتِيPriti قَهْوَتَهاher coffee
headspeaker!يَاoh رَبِّيmy god
headspeakerهذاthis is مِلْحٌsalt
headspeakerأنْتِyou are تَعْبَانَةvery جدّاًtired يا بِرِتِيPriti
headspeakerنَعَمْyes أَحْتَاجُ إِلَىI need مَزِيدٍ مِنَmore الْقَهْوَةِcoffee مَعَwith سُكَّرٍsugar لَيْسَnot مَعَwith مِلْحٍsalt
Priti was so tired that…
  • …she fell asleep in the kitchen.
  • …she put salt in her coffee.
  • …she put her keys in her coffee.
Tap the pairs