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Il giocatore di pallacanestro
title image

speakerIlthe giocatore di pallacanestrobasketball player

speakerRodolfo eand Barbara vanno a fare la spesago shopping.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerCosawhat dobbiamodo we need comprareto buy alin the supermercatosupermarket?
headspeakerCi servonowe need lattemilk, risorice, fagiolibeans…
headspeakerRodolfo! Guardalook! Èit's luihim!
headspeakerDovewhere? Chiwho?
What comes next?
headspeakerIl tuoyour giocatore di pallacanestrobasketball player preferitofavorite!
  • dovewhere
  • semprealways
  • preferitofavorite
headspeakerNon èit's not luihim!
headspeakeryes, èit's luihim! Parlatalk conto luihim!
headspeakerNoNo, sonoI am troppotoo nervosonervous!
headspeakerMabut Rodolfo …​ guarda! Voilook aveteyou lehave stessethe scarpesame!shoes
Click on the option meaning "same."
Ma …| guarda! le scarpe!
speakerIlthe giocatore di pallacanestrobasketball player guardalooks at Rodolfo eand Barbara.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerAbbiamodo we have lethe stessesame scarpeshoes?
headspeakeryes! Eand sta venendohe's coming quihere!
Barbara is saying that the basketball player is going towards them.
  • No, that's not right.
  • Yes, that's true.
headspeakerChewhat facciodo I do?!
headspeakerParlatalk conto luihim!
headspeakerDevo andareI have to go!
headspeakerMi piaccionoI love le tueyour scarpeshoes.
The basketball player wanted to tell Rodolfo that…
  • he loves Rodolfo's shoes.
  • they shouldn't stare at people.
  • he could sign an autograph for him.
Tap the pairs